Department of Engineering / Research / Strategic Themes / Uncertainty Risk and Resilience / Projects

Department of Engineering



This project explores risk management practices in global manufacturing investment. It reflects the growing internationalisation of manufacturing and the increasing complexity and fragmentation of manufacturing systems. Issues of risk management have become increasingly important in financial and company governance contexts. However while significant progress has been made in the awareness and articulation of financial risk there appeared to be little evidence of systematic management of risks associated with the globalisation of manufacturing.

Performance-based contracts (PBC) are contracts where the “customer’s focus is on contracting a performance goal or outcome rather than on how to achieve this goal” (Hypko et al., 2010). The aim of this research is to study the effects of social capital (generally but partially, trust and interactions between suppliers and customers) on risks in PBC compared with risks in traditional, transactional contracts (Behaviour-Based Contracts or BBC).

This project aims is to develop a sustainable, integrated platform for manufacture of industrial chemicals based on biological terpenoid feedstocks to complement carbohydrate, oil and lignin-based feedstocks that will be available to sustainable chemistry-using industries of the future. Our focus will include production of aromatics and amines which are particularly challenging targets from other bio feedstocks, and the project will seek to achieve a systems-level understanding of uncertainties (technical, environmental and economic ) associated with new terpene-based manufacturing technologies.

The Strategic Technology & Innovation Management (STIM) Consortium is a practice-oriented research and networking collaboration between industrial member companies and the Centre for Technology Management.
