Postgraduate courses in the Department of Engineering
The Department of Engineering offers options in both research study and taught course programmes across a wide range of engineering specialisms. Further details about what is available can be found via the links below.
Taught courses
We offer six full-time one year taught programmes, leading to the award of a Masters Degree (MPhil or MRes).
Research study
Applicants wishing to engage primarily in research can apply for either the one year MPhil programme (also available part-time over two years) or the PhD programme, which usually takes between three and four years (also available part-time over five to seven years).
Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs)
Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) offer a combined taught and research-based programme, leading to both a Masters and a PhD programme. In addition to three CDTs based in the Department of Engineering, we are also partners in eight CDTs based either in other departments at the University of Cambridge, or in other institutions.
Part-time study
Both of our research programmes are available for students to study part-time. The MPhil in Engineering is available at 50% of full time study (two years instead of one) and the PhD in Engineering is available at 60% of full-time study (five to seven years, instead of three to four years). The majority of our taught programmes are currently only available for full-time study, but we offer one part-time professional development course in Construction Engineering.