Professor of Structural Engineering
Academic Division: Civil Engineering
Research group: Structures
Telephone: +44 1223 3 32761
Research interests
Allan McRobie’s research interests are in structural engineering, with particular focus on complex dynamic load environments such as wind excitation of bridges and crowd loading, together with extreme value theory for rational risk management associated with “high consequence, low probability” events that can lead to structural failure. Allan has further interests in water and sanitation infrastructure, particularly in megacity slums.
Strategic themes
Energy, transport and urban infrastructure
Water and sanitation infrastructure in megacity slums.
Complex, resilient and intelligent systems
Extreme Value Theory associated with high-consequence, low-probability events.
Research projects
- Bridge Engineering
- Structural Computation
- Structural Dynamics
- Structural Theory
- Building Physics
- Risk and Assessment
- Sustainability
Teaching activity
Lectures on structural steel design, stability theory, dynamics and water engineering.
Following seven years structural and water engineering design experience, mostly on large civil infrastructure projects in Australia, Allan returned to academia to undertake research in structural engineering.