The development of new curricula, programmes of study, and extra-curricular educational opportunities is supported within the University by funding from CMI (the Cambridge-MIT Institute).
There are many CMI sponsored teaching-related initiatives in CUED and the Department of Chemical Engineering that are currently active or imminent.
Anyone who would like further information about the projects, listed below, are invited to email the designated contact (unless otherwise specified, add to the addresses shown in brackets below) :
- Undergraduate Student Exchange
Contact: Teaching Office (Teaching-office) - Multi-disciplinary Design Project
Contact: Peter Long (pjgl2) - Coursework - Lecture Integration
Contact: Hugh Hunt (hemh) - MPhil in Engineering for Sustainable Development
Contact: Dick Fenner (raf37) - Teaching and Learning of Engineering & Technology
Contact: Rex Britter (rb11) - Improving Engineering Education:A Project to Enhance the Teaching and Learning of Professional Engineering Skills
Contact: David Cardwell (dc135) - Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP)
Contact: Rex Britter (rb11) or Mark Spearing ( - Faculty Exchanges
Contact: Hugh Hunt (hemh) - A Common Course on Cell and Tissue Engineering
Contact: Anton Middleberg ( - MEMs Teaching Programme
Contact: John Williams (jaw) - Integrated Teaching Resources for Fluid Mechanics (led by Dr S Dalziel, DAMTP)
Contact: Rex Britter (rb11) - Weblabs in Chemical Engineering
Contact: Markus Kraft ( - Tangible Infoscapes (led by Dr Koen Steemers, Dept of Architecture)
Contact: Rex Britter (rb11) - Automated delivery of computing teaching
Contact: Tom Drummond (twd20) - MPhil in Advanced Chemical Engineering Practice
Contact: John Dennis (